June harvest totals
- Basil ‘Aroma 1’: .13 lbs.
- Beans ‘Kentucky Blue’: .13 lbs.
- Cabbage ‘Parel’: 7.75 lbs.
- Cauliflower ‘Snow Crown’: 3 lbs.
- Eggs: 28 (Barred Rock 19; Barred Leghorn 9)
- Fig ‘Variety?’: .13 lbs
- Kale ‘Winterbore’: .13 lbs.
- Mulberry ‘Pakistan Fruiting’: .16 lbs.
- Navel Orange: 1.06 lbs.
- Nectarine ‘Double Delight’: 2.13 lbs.
- Onion ‘Red Amposta’: .5 lbs.
- Peach ‘Strawberry Free’: 14 lbs.
- Plum ‘Santa Rosa’: 3.13 lbs.
- Raspberry ‘Autumn Bliss’, ‘Autumn Britten’, and ‘Tulameen’: 1.44 lbs.
- Rosemary ‘Variety?’: .13 lbs.
- Serviceberry: .47 lbs.
- Spearmint: .06 lbs.
- Strawberry ‘Seascape’ and ‘Albion’: .56 lbs.
Harvest total: 34.91 lbs.
July harvest totals
- Basil ‘Aroma 1’: 2.5 lbs.
- Bell pepper ‘Big Red Beauty’ .25 lbs.
- Cucumber ‘Bushy Pickling’: 10.88 lbs.
- Cucumber ‘Fountain’: 5.5 lbs.
- Dill ‘Fernleaf’: 4 heads
- Eggs: 21 ( Barred Rock 17; Barred Leghorn 3; Ameraucana 1)
- Grapes ‘Thompson’: .25 lbs.
- Lettuce ‘Magenta’ 3 lbs.
- Lime ‘Bearrs’: .38 lbs.
- Spearmint: .13 lbs.
- Navel Orange: 1.25 lbs.
- Okra ‘Star of David’: 1.13 lbs.
- Onion ‘Purplette’: .13 lbs.
- Onion ‘Red Amposta’: .5 lbs.
- Strawberry ‘Seascape’ and ‘Albion’: .13 lbs.
- Thai basil: .38 lbs.
- Tomato ‘Early Girl’: 1.13 lbs.
- Tomato ‘Orange Roma’: .13 lbs.
- Zucchini ‘Variety?’: 3.88 lbs.
Total: 31.55 lbs.
2014 harvest total: 427.1 lbs.